There was very good international pick up of the Fiji Petrel Press Release.
The Fiji Petrel press release, a week ago, was picked up by more than 1000 (!) media sources, including TV, radio, many national and regional newspapers, newswires, twitters and blogs.
Included were the BBC, Sky News, AOL, USA Today and other nationals like the Daily Telegraph and The Australian.

The plight of the Fiji Petrel was read, or heard, by tens of thousands of people throughout the world in one big effort.
Also, two of the Fiji Petrel team were on TV and radio in the South Pacific and Australia, talking about current efforts to save the species.
These forums helped promote the good work of NatureFiji-MareqetiViti, BirdLife, and the BOC also.
There are some good signs that more money will be donated and made available for further research to help this species; there may be only 50 birds surviving.
Let’s hope that all the publicity helps save this bird before it’s too late….
So writes Expedition Member, Tony Pym, who was monitoring the press release for several seabird groups