Further funding for the Fiji Petrel project has been secured, this time from the prestigious Disney Foundation.

One of Fiji and the world’s most endangered birds, the Fiji Petrel or Kacaunigau is also one of NatureFiji-MareqetiViti’s flagship projects.

We have received funding for the Fiji Petrel from a BirdLife International-Royal Forest Bird Trust Fund and with the funding now from the Disney Foundation, we are in a good position to undertake a period of intensive work.

We will be working with the National Trust for Fiji to undertake a round of awareness workshops; in July we will be on board the Turagalevu and undertaking two weeks of “chumming”…trying to attract Fiji Petrels to floating, oily fish meal.

This has recently proved successful in the Solomons and led to the re-discovery of Beck’s Petrel, a close relative of the Fiji Petrel.

We will also be working up on Delaco ridge to see if we can attract Fiji Petrels for radio-tagging and continuing searches for their breeding sites.