Last Member Trip to Garrick Reserve for 2011

NFMV’s last visit to the Garrick Reserve for 2011 took place on the 3rd of December. Sixteen members and friends accompanied our staff.

It was a fun outing for all over the weekend, as 16 MareqetiViti staff and members visited the Garrick Reserve on Saturday the 3rd of December.

This being the last chance to check on the insurance population of Fiji sago palms and Navua palms, NFMV took great pains to ensure the palms are not being threatened by poaching or herbivores.

Close up of one of the Navua palms planted within the reserve.
Close up of one of the Navua palms planted within the reserve.

At the last visit to the reserve, cows were seen inside the reserve area and it was noticed that these cows had probably been chewing on the young shoots (leaves) of the planted palms.

These are the growing parts of the plant and it is vital that they remain intact in order for the plant to grow.

Fence around insurance palm plot being fixed by Dick Watling and Steve Cranwell.
Fence around insurance palm plot being fixed by Dick Watling and Steve Cranwell.

At the reserve, the condition of the planted palms were checked and the area around the palms were weeded again.

The 2 m or so high seedlings look healthier than suspected considering the previous evidence of herbivory damage.

The outlook for these palms is therefore quite promising.

In addition to the weeding activity around the palms, the fence was fixed under the supervision of Dick Watling, to ensure no further incursions of cows and other domestic grazers occurs.

It was a beautiful day so it was not all toil! The sun’s heat drove many of the members and staff to take a dip in the river nearby.

There was lot of laughter and good-natured ribbing at the end of day on the track back to the waiting bus.

To all our loyal members who make the time to help us maintain our insurance palm populations at the Garrick Reserve, we extend our sincere gratitude.

Taking a well deserved break in the cool river.
Taking a well deserved break in the cool river.

Thanks also to the hardworking kitchen crew at NFMV for the delicious lunch prepared. We’re all looking forward to 2012’s membership activities!