Membership Details

Overseas Standard Members

Corporate Membership

Corporate bodies, schools, social clubs and other organisations can join NF-MV as Corporate Members.

Click here for more information and application for Corporate Membership

Payment Options

Set-up a direct debit payment

If you wish to make a regular donation by direct debit from your bank account please print the direct debit form, complete and post to NatureFiji-MareqetiViti, Box 2041, Government Buildings, Suva, Fiji.

The direct debit forms cannot be completed online as banks require a written and signed form to set-up a direct debit payment.

If you are not able to open or read the direct debit form please email your name and postal address to us at [email protected] or phone our Suva office on +679 3100598 and we will post you the forms needed to create a direct debit for your membership.

Please note: the direct debit option is only available through Fijian banks.

Make a payment by post

From within Fiji only, you can post us a cheque. Please provide your name and address with the details of what the payment is for.

Make your cheque payable to NatureFiji-MareqetiViti.

Post your donation to NatureFiji-MareqetiViti, Box 2041, Government Buildings, Suva, Fiji.

Make a payment by telegraphic transfer

Account Name: Fiji Nature Conservation Trust
Bank: ANZ Bank, ANZ House, 25 Victoria Parade, Suva, Fiji
Account No: 10225116
Routing Code: ANZBFJFX
If paying by telegraphic transfer please advise us and provide details of the transfer.

Phone our Suva office on +679 3100598 or email [email protected]