NatureFiji-MareqetiViti recently organized their 4th Annual General Meeting, where a total of 46 members and friends attended the meet.
NatureFiji-MareqetiViti’s 4th AGM was held on the 8th of September 2011, at the Warbler House, USP. Presentations were provided by Conservation coordinator Nunia Thomas on project updates with exception of the Fiji Petrel project.
Petrel project officer Eleazer O’Connor was present on Viti Levu at the time and was able to provide a presentation, as well as discuss with members issues that were brought forward during the meet in relation to the research on the petrels in Gau.

Dick Watling Trustee- Director of NFMV provided brief but direct background information on the financial status of the organization, and the financial report for 2010 of the Fiji Nature Conservation Trust was available to all interested members.
Amongst the attendants was Ratu Aisea Katonivere, NFMV’s newly appointed patron who travelled from Labasa to Suva to attend the one day meet. NFMV has also provided door prizes for attendants at the meet.

A 17×26 inch framed photograph of Fiji’s only known endemic mammal, the Fiji flying fox (Mirimiri acrodonta) photographed by Jörg Kretzschmar was the door prize for members, whilst the non-member draw were two NFMV logo emblazoned sulu’s.

NFMV is grateful to the support of our NFMV Patron for attending the meet; our trustees, council members, life members, corporate gold members, standard members, supporters and friends who attended the AGM. The minutes of the AGM will be circulated shortly.