A member-elected Management Council is responsible for the policy and direction adopted by a small secretariat which will run day-to-day operations of NatureFiji-MareqetiViti.

The Management Council consists of eight members, all residents of Fiji and each member’s term of office is three years.

The Management Council meets at least once every three months for the purposes of management, policy formulation and review.The Management Council is the main policymaking, management, technical, disciplinary and regulatory organ of the Trust. They have responsibility for the administration of the affairs, property, and funds of the Trust as per the Board of Trustees directions.

The Management Council has the power to appoint ad hoc committees or subcommittees as are deemed necessary for the better conduct of the Trust’s affairs and to delegate its powers to such committees.

Appointment of Management Council

Members of the Management Council shall be appointed on the basis of their experience and demonstrated ability to contribute to the duties and functions of the Management.

Any new member of the Management Council shall be appointed by the majority of the Members at the Annual General Meeting of the Members and the Management Council.

Any vacancy in the Management Council shall be deemed to be temporary and may be filled by the Management Council accordingly,
at the next Annual General Meeting.

Any temporary Management Council member appointed shall retire at the next Annual General Meeting and shall be eligible for re-election at that Annual General Meeting.

Management Council Meetings

The Management Council elects its own Chairperson from one of the members of the Management Council who shall be the presiding officer at all meetings.

The Director and the Secretary of the Management Council shall be members of the Management Council without voting rights.

The decisions of the Management Council are by general consensus. However, in the event of equality of votes in any meeting of the Management Council the presiding officer has the casting vote.

Current Management Council Members 2019-2020