Mere Tabudravu is currently managing three projects which include ‘Environment education’, funded by KEIDANREN Nature Conservation Fund (KNCF) and ‘Community conservation’ funded by the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) and an ‘Ecosystem services project’ funded by Aage V. Jensen Charity Foundation (Jensen).
The Environment education project that began in the year 2011, focuses on the education of children who reside near ‘Important Bird Areas’ (IBAs), in learning about the significance of the site. Activities featured under the project include a two day eco-camp for primary school students between classes 6-8. Two school based eco-camps have been conducted at Navitilevu Primary School for IBA FJ05 (Vatu-i-ra) and three schools within the Natewa/Tunuloa Peninsula for Natewa/Tunuloa IBA FJ03. The eco-camp included the production of information materials specific for the IBA, that includes bird-guide pocket books, comic books and the provision of vegetable seedlings and native tree plantings with materials for a nursery within the school compound.
The materials were provided to encourage the school to promote environmental education. The Ecosystem services project aims to provide a quantified value of the Fijian ecosystem services in order to promote and increase the benefits of sustainable forest management for people and biodiversity. This activity, which is the first for the Pacific region, will be undertaken in the following sites, Natewa/Tunuloa IBA FJ03, and Taveuni island in recognition of it’s nature reserve and Wainawa village, which NFMV is currently undertaking a sago restoration project. This aspect of the site will take into consideration the commercial side of ecosystem services.